HeartButt Week 3 - Motivation
How to Tailor your FasciaBlaster Routine
for the Heart Butt Challenge
FasciaBlasting is a very individual process when deciding what techniques and what amount of pressure is right for you. As you consider your personal Heart Butt Challenge plan, I want to empower you to understand what is happening on the inside. Armed with this information, you can adjust your plan as you go through the challenge, so let’s go straight to the SCIENCE!
Take a moment to look at your booty. Do you have small distortions that might only need light FasciaBlasting? Do you have deeper dents? Both? Since our FasciaBlaster study showed a reduction in subcutaneous fat, you also want to take into consideration what amount of fat you’d like to maintain or ensure you’re building muscle with the exercises to maintain volume.
We’re going to use ultrasound images from our 90-day peer-reviewed, published study to talk about this in terms of PMR:
- Prep
- Massage
- Refine
As we look at these ultrasound images, keep in mind what you’ve learned about your butt shape, and try to imagine what your tissue might look like beneath the surface. In this image, we see a before and an after 90 days. To get oriented, this is from the side of the leg starting with the skin at the surface all the way down to the femur bone. From the top of the image to the thicker, more distinct white line at the top of the first muscle is a layer of fat and fascia. When we talk about prepping the tissue, it’s this layer that we’re addressing with a small-clawed FasciaBlaster tool. The prep tools - FaceBlaster®, MasterBlaster®, or PaddleBlaster® - are perfect for starting with this top layer of tissue, and it’s important not to skip this layer or try to reach below it before addressing it.
So many users love the prep tools for working the booty! If you’re working on the aesthetics only and not concerned with your glute function, or if you’re intentionally keeping things a little juicy, you may choose to use the prep tools more than you use the massage tools in this area. Read this to review how to use the FasciaBlaster tools.
We’re going back to the ultrasound images to talk about using the massage tools for the next layer of tissue. I explain in my book the different types of fascia, including structural and inter-structural fascia. Let’s look back to that white line that is the top of the muscle. Structural fascia are those long strips on top of the muscle, what we refer to as the “lines of fascia.” The other white lines you see show the inter-structural fascia. We want nice, organized, parallel lines here and not the disordered pattern of fibers like in the before image. The larger claws of the massage tools reach down to this layer of ‘meat’ or the myofascial tissue.
Now that you see how the fascia is directly related to the muscle, can you see why it’s important to restore that tissue if you want to Build-A-Butt with the Heart Butt exercises?
If you’re someone who has any deeper dents, look at the cluster of white lines we’re pointing out in this image. This is where we get into using the refining tools. As you use the Nugget tips, try to compare what you’re feeling beneath the surface to what you’ve learned from these images.
Remember, this process is all about YOU. As you get to know your body, you can always adjust your plan to suit your goals and needs!
Watch the full week 3 live video here.